1, 2, 3…Count on Me
Over the past year we’ve been blessed to count on Gethsemane Lutheran members to share God’s grace. During our Count on Me, Stewardship Drive we’ve seen how Peter and Andrew became believers in catching Jesus’ spirit along with a net full of fish. We heard how Lydia used her talents for business and hospitality to serve God. We also heard the story of how a boy gave his treasure of two fish and five loaves resulting in feeding thousands and nourishing them in God’s blessings.
As part of the Count on Me stewardship theme for 2022 we celebrate and grow Christian stewards for the 128th year of GLC. We’ve seen members counting on each other in God’s work. Our hands., on clean up days, monthly Big Asks, member care, social action, and choir just to name a few. This year GLC has purchased new software called Servant Keeper. This tool will not only help the church staff work more efficiently, but allow you to track your giving, share your talents, and offer your time from the comfort of your own home. For Stewardship this year we are going to focus on how each of us at Gethsemane can be counted on in sharing God’s grace with others. More details to come on how each of us can help with this new one-stop-shop tool for tracking your contribution to the ministry of GLC.
Thank you, Keith Paulson GLC Stewardship Committee Chair
Gethsemane Stewardship Team
Keith Paulson, Betsy Bartholomew, Steve Doss, Lory Bowman
Brief update on the Sanctuary Lights Campaign: We are about halfway through our drive for the new sanctuary lights and are currently $22,000 short of the 2022 giving goal. This means that if you have pledged but have not given yet, now's the time to catch up!
Dear Gethsemane members:
In your pledge packet are two pledge cards. One for your regular pledge, and one for a pledge against the cost of the new lighting system for the sanctuary - approved at a special congregational meeting on Tuesday, October 6th.
This special pledge hopes to raise $62,000 over the next two years – by December 1, 2022. That would completely cover the cost of the project. Re-lighting the sanctuary will save us thousands of dollars in electrical usage over the next years. This will eventually pay for itself - but we must bear the upfront cost now.
As most of you know, it is also a matter of safety, as some of the light fixtures have suffered mounting bracket fatigue, and have fallen out of the ceiling.
The “Let There Be Light” pledge card represents the kind of gifts we need in order to accomplish this great goal. Over the next two years, for instance, we need three people or families to promise $7,000 each ... eight people or families to promise $2,000 each ... and on down to extra gifts of $200 each over the next two years.
Please prayerfully consider where you belong on this plan - and pledge according to what God is calling you to do. Our hope is that these pledges can care for the cost of the project, and no work will be required on the part of your Permanent Pastor when she or he arrives.
You have done an excellent job as a congregation, responding to the needs of Christ's Church throughout these days where we have not been able to gather. Your interim Pastors have every faith that you will respond now!
Thank you,
In God's Peace,
Pastors Liz and John