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The BIG ASK is a monthly focused "Big Ask" for our mission partners, Isaiah 58 and St. Anthony's

Each month Gethsemane will have a specific "Big Ask" but will always welcome the following: Cereal, Rolling Suitcases, Peanut Butter & Jelly, Hygiene, and non-perishable food items. Financial donations are always welcome

January - Laundry Soap and Dish Soap

February - Canned soup and chili

March and April - Toilet Paper and Sanitary Pads (not tampons)

May - Deodorant and Adult Incontinent Products

June -  Shampoo, Conditioner, Bar Soap

July - Back to school supplies. (Stay tuned for specific details.)

August Shaving Cream, razors, body lotion, lip balm

September - Diapers and baby care items (excluding formula, wipes, body wash shampoo, lotion, and powder)

October - Toothbrushes, toothpaste, and socks (Socktober!)

November - Stay tuned! (Isaiah 58); Beginning of Adopt a family (St. Anthony's)

December - Coats, mittens, and gloves

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