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Save the date! VBS returns to Gethsemane July 28-August 1, 2025

The overall theme this year will be "CELEBRATIONS!"

Here is a sample of the focus for each day. 

Monday, July 28 - Lesson 1: Miriam Celebrates. (Exodus 15:20)
Tuesday, July 29 - Lesson 2: Queen Esther's Victory. (Esther 9:18-23)
Wednesday, July 30 - Lesson 3: Wedding at Cana. (John 2:1-10)
Thursday, July 31 - Lesson 4: The Great Banquet. (Luke 14:15-24)
Friday, August 1 - Lesson 5: The Lost is Found. (Luke 15:3-10)
The theme last year was "I AM Statements of Jesus" Click on the PDF to view each day's lessons.

All potty-trained four-year-olds to rising 6th graders are welcome to join us for Vacation Bible School at Gethsemane.


(Please note: This year, we will be limiting the number of four-year-olds we accept. If we have more volunteers, we will open additional slots for four-year-olds. Those on the waitlist will have the first option, so please register early!) 


VBS will run from 9am-12:30pm and we are once again offering after care (aka VBS+) from 12:30pm-5:00pm!  The VBS+ will be run and supervised by Anja Walentik, a professional 1st grade teacher. 


Registration will open soon for both volunteers and campers.

Cost for VBS only (9am-12:30pm) is $50/child or $100/two or more children.


Cost for for VBS+ (9am-12:30pm PLUS 12:30-5:00pm) is $150/child or $300/two or more children

If cost is a barrier there are a limited number of  scholarships available.

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