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How is Gethsemane responding in the face of the global pandemic, COVID-19?

Update as of May 15, 2022

After hearing recommendations from the Reopening Team, the Church Council has decided to make the wearing of masks “recommended” and no longer mandatory during worship services. This means that they trust our members, friends, guests, and visitors to decide for themselves whether they will wear a mask or not in the church. We will supply masks for those who wish to wear them. The Reopening team will continue to watch COVID case counts and track the number of hospitalizations due to COVID.  We will reverse this plan of action and return to mandatory mask wearing if it is recommended. Thank you for your support of our safety measures and commitment to the health of those around you.


Update as of February 18, 2022

Two services return! 8:30am (In-Person and livestreamed) and 11am In-Person only.

Update as of February 17, 2022

Singing by the congregation returns to worship! This includes Children's Choir on Sunday morning at 10:45am.

Update as of February 7, 2022

In-Person worship will resume on February 13! Singing will continue to be limited to the Choir and all those in attendance will need to wear a N95 or KN95 mask, or double mask.

Update as of January 12, 2022

The following email was sent to all who subscribe to Gethsemane's email:

Good Afternoon,


As hospitalizations for adults and children with COVID-19 surpass records and strain our health system, the Gethsemane Church Council has decided to suspend all in-person worship services and church activities through the end of January.  This includes rescheduling our Annual Congregational meeting.  An abbreviated meeting will now take place on Sunday, January 23rd at 11am via Zoom.  We had hoped and planned to meet in person for this meeting and we are frustrated that we cannot do so.  Electronic copies of the Annual Report will be sent out this Friday and printed copies will be available for pick up from the church office during normal business hours next week.  We appreciate your support through this challenging time.  Watch for more information regarding online services and the annual meeting in this Friday’s e-newsletter. 


Update as of January 7, 2022

All congregational singing has been put on hold for now. As soon as the hospitalizations and covid numbers decline we will slowly resume congregational singing.

Update as of May 18, 2021:

We are very excited to announce the following changes to worship starting this Sunday, May 23rd.

  1. Reservations will no longer be required to attend services.

  2. You may select your own seat.

  3. You will be responsible for picking up your own bulletin and individual Communion set before entering the Sanctuary.

  4. You are encouraged to sing all the hymns and responses as noted in the bulletin.


To protect everyone who chooses to worship in-person, the following safety measures will remain in place:

  1. Masks must be worn at all times in the building.  This includes while singing.  * The Assisting Minister and Pastor may remove their mask while speaking from the front of the sanctuary.  **Choir members located inside the choir “cages” may remove their masks while singing.

  2. You will place your offerings and attendance forms in the offering plates located in the Narthex outside of the Sanctuary following the service.

  3. You are responsible for the disposal of your used Communion sets in the trash cans provided in the Narthex.

  4. You may chat in the Narthex if you wish. Masks must continue to be worn.


 "God is our refuge and strength, a very present help in trouble.

Therefore we will not fear, though the earth should change...

The Lord of hosts is with us; the God of Jacob is our refuge."
~Psalm 46:1-2, 7


Schedule your vaccine through the state of MO here
Affina Healthcare vaccines
Free meals for children -
Academic Resources
for K-12 (SLPS)
Missouri Department of Health and Senior Services COVID Line:
United Way Resources
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