“God’s work. Our hands.”
"God's work. Our hands." Sunday is an opportunity to celebrate who we are as the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America – one church, freed in Christ to serve and love our neighbor.
God's work. Our hands. will be on Sunday, September 29th, 2019. This will be a day dedicated to helping others. With that in mind, Gethsemane will work on projects to benefit our neighbors and community at large.
Check out the hashtags: #glcstlGodsWork2018 and #ELCAdayofservice to see how we were spreading God's love in years past!
This year, we are celebrating “God’s Work. Our Hands” on Sunday, September 29th after the 5th Sunday 10 am worship.
This year is remarkable as we are also celebrating 125 years of Gethsemane and we have an extra special treat in store for everyone! Sweet Swedish Savories! In lieu of donuts we will have an array of Swedish style pastries in the kitchen as well as pastries to purchase from the Bridge Bread Truck (see below for details.)
Consider these options to serve here at Gethsemane:
1. Assemble Personal Care Kits to be sent to Lutheran World Relief. We have a goal to assemble 125 pounds of supplies!
2. Assemble and/or deliver cookie trays. Calling all cookie makers!! Make or purchase nut free cookies and bring them to church on the 29th. Some cookies will be bagged for our freezer at Gethsemane to take as care packages. Other cookies will be delivered to First Responders and Nursing Home workers at Avalon Gardens and Kasey Paige Assisted Living.
3. Make “Thinking of You” cards. When we deliver the cookies, we’d also like to deliver cards to residents at Avalon Gardens and Kasey Paige.
Consider an option to serve outside our church building:
1. Volunteer at Buder School. Support a neighborhood school with a special project to help get the school ready for fall classes. Projects may be inside or out. 2. Provide a meal for Lutheran Campus Ministry. Gethsemane has signed up for the Sept. 29th time slot and we will collectively provide a meal that evening but you could also choose from other time slots here.
Support others who do God’s work:
1. Shop for bread and rolls at the Bridge Bread Truck after worship. Bridge Bread is a non-profit social enterprise that hires people experiencing homelessness and helps them help themselves get back on track through satisfying supportive employment; items cost $4-$7. This year they are providing special Swedish style treats to help commemorate our 125th!
If you are on social media you can keep track by using the hashtag: #125glcstl Don’t forget to wear your t-shirt on “God’s work. Our hands.” Sunday! We also have a few available for purchase. Email Gretchen to get a shirt!
Sign up on online and at the church.