“A Taste of Gethsemane” — 2016 Stewardship Emphasis
“O Taste and See that the Lord is Good!” Psalm 34:8
We’ve all heard of the various food events that go under the title: “A Taste of…” We know that St. Louis has some of the best food in the world! Yet every Sunday, there is a “Taste” event here at Gethsemane when we receive God’s gifts of grace through Word and Sacrament. How can we help but respond in gratitude and praise — which is really what stewardship is all about!
Sunday, November 20th is Commitment Sunday.
During worship, we will offer our intentions for our financial giving for 2017. We offer our intentions to God, praying that the Spirit fill us with a strong sense of God’s goodness and provision. Between services, you’re invited to sample a Thanksgiving treat of pie — bring your favorite, or simply come and sample!
Our giving is a thankful response to all that God has given us; a willing spirit that takes joy in entering into God’s mission to love and bless the world through the church and our gifts.
Questions for Reflection:
How do you experience community at Gethsemane? How does Gethsemane reach out and touch the greater community, both locally and globally? How would you like to feel connected to the ministry at and through Gethsemane?
To do:
Bring perishable and non-perishable boxed goods (pasta, stuffing, cereal, etc.) for Joint Neighborhood Ministry with you to worship on Sunday, November 20th. Place them in front of the altar in the sanctuary.
Mark your calendars for Stewardship Commitment Sunday, November 20th, with a Taste of Thanksgiving including your favorite holiday pies!
O God, graciously hear us, for we seek you alone. Deliver us from our fears and terrors, quiet us with the peace that passes understanding, and let us taste your goodness, which makes us radiant with joy; through Jesus Christ, our Savior and Lord. Amen.