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2019 Stewardship Emphasis

Letter sent to Members of Gethsemane in November of 2018: (Please note it is never too late to give! You can set up a recurring donation by clicking on the donate now button)

Dear friends in Christ:


This little light of mine, I’m going to let it shine.

Jesus gave it to me, I’m going to let it shine.

All around the neighborhood, I’m going to let it shine.

Everywhere we go, we’re going to let it shine.

Let it shine, let it shine, let it shine!


This November, we have been reflecting on the ways Christ’s light shines through Gethsemane.  Two baptisms in the month remind us that we have each been named and claimed by Christ and given a mission:  Let your light so shine before others that they may see your good works and glorify your Father in heaven.


To support that mission we share, we are once again asking you to consider your commitment to giving and financial support.  Enclosed with this letter is a 2019 Commitment/Pledge Card.  We ask you to take time this week to prayerfully consider your support and bring this pledge card with you to church this Sunday, November 18th.  Please note:  the General Offering line is what supports the on-going ministries of the congregation (staff salaries, utilities, program support, mission support, regular maintenance) and the Building Fund line is a “second mile” giving opportunity for non-budgeted building needs and capital improvements.


Worship on November 18th will include special music, the 2nd “I Go to Gethsemane because…” video, a skit from our confirmation students, and an opportunity to bring forward our pledges and offerings.  Between services, join us in the Fellowship Hall for “thanksgiving pies” as we share in the gratitude of the season.


Please note that we will distribute volunteer/time and talent forms in January.  Just as the wise men brought gifts to the infant Jesus at Epiphany, Epiphany will be the time for us to offer our gifts.


If you have any questions, please don’t hesitate to contact us.  See you in worship!


Gratefully yours,

Gethsemane Stewardship Team

Keith Paulson, Betsy Bartholomew, Steve Doss, Lory Bowman, Pastor Kendra

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