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Lose or misplace your 2021 pledge card? No worries! You can print out your very own form here!

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Thank you to all who stopped by and donated to the food pantry and dropped off your 2021 pledge cards!

Stay tuned for an update on numbers!

Gethsemane, you are proving once again that you truly are the church... 

Mission is a journey, not a destination and mission work is life’s work. If you’re connecting to Gethsemane online, you can still get your mission on in the name of Christ.


As we look to celebrate our 127th year at Gethsemane Lutheran Church in 2021, we talk about staying safe and still moving forward with Christ’s mission.


Get Your Mission On, is this year’s stewardship theme as we celebrate and grow Christian stewards at Gethsemane.


Over 6- weeks, we watched virtual video messages from Gethsemane’s “Mission Control.” We heard examples of members who have their Mission Hat, Shoes, Masks, Gloves, Investment, & Mission Mindset on in the name of Christ.


On Sunday, November 22nd many of you dropped off your completed pledge card and picked up your GLC face mask and a tasty treat to celebrate our commitment as faithful stewards in Christ.


Thank you to all of the Gethsemane family and to your efforts in getting your mission on in 2021.


Thank you, Keith Paulson GLC Stewardship Committee Chair


Gethsemane Stewardship Team

Keith Paulson, Betsy Bartholomew, Steve Doss, Lory Bowman

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Dear Gethsemane members:


In your pledge packet are two pledge cards. One for your regular pledge, and one for a pledge against the cost of the new lighting system for the sanctuary - approved at a special congregational meeting on Tuesday, October 6th. 


This special pledge hopes to raise $62,000 over the next two years – by December 1, 2022. That would completely cover the cost of the project. Re-lighting the sanctuary will save us thousands of dollars in electrical usage over the next years. This will eventually pay for itself - but we must bear the upfront cost now. 


As most of you know, it is also a matter of safety, as some of the light fixtures have suffered mounting bracket fatigue, and have fallen out of the ceiling. 


The “Let There Be Light” pledge card represents the kind of gifts we need in order to accomplish this great goal. Over the next two years, for instance, we need three people or families to promise $7,000 each ... eight people or families to promise $2,000 each ... and on down to extra gifts of $200 each over the next two years. 


Please prayerfully consider where you belong on this plan - and pledge according to what God is calling you to do. Our hope is that these pledges can care for the cost of the project, and no work will be required on the part of your Permanent Pastor when she or he arrives.


You have done an excellent job as a congregation, responding to the needs of Christ's Church throughout these days where we have not been able to gather. Your interim Pastors have every faith that you will respond now! 


Thank you,


In God's Peace,


Pastors Liz and John


Thank You!

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